What’s Next?

I have been extremely quiet for the last two months. In fact, I honestly cannot remember the last time I sat down to write a blog post. To be honest I lost my spark for writing for this blog. I felt my voice changing and moving in a new direction and I wasn’t sure if it was for this blog or if maybe something new was coming.

Why? I started my Master’s degree this summer in Education Leadership and Policy. I also just finished (literally, yesterday) my 200-hour yoga certification. It has been a lot to take on, but it has truly been one of the best summers. I’m really proud of everything I’ve accomplished.

So, what’s next? I took my training through Breathe for Change, an organization whose mission is “Changing the world on teacher a time.”  I fully intend to go on and spread their mission. Because there was something I realized during those 16 days, we all have the capability to change the world doing whatever it is that we love. My passion, I’ve realized, is creating a space where teachers recharge and take care of their own well-being, therefore, reducing the burnout and creating a safe and loving environment for students.

This means that I’m probably going to be moving away from this blog (it will still exist, but the content won’t be updated the often…if at all) and starting a new adventure at thestressedteacher.wordpress.com. Here I will dedicate my time to the wellness of not just educators, but anyone who is feeling stressed and burnt out on the thing they believe is their passion.

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” – Howard Thurman

So that is my mission, maybe even my dharma. The blog is still a work in progress, but if it’s something that interests you, follow me. I will do my best to provide resources for those who are feeling tired, stressed, and burnt out. I want everyone to be a light in this world and do the thing that lights them up.

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