Miserable People and The Internet

Miserable people thrive on the internet. They love trolling and becoming outraged at literally anything. From politics to mashed potatoes you can spot a miserable person a mile away. These people are bored and lonely, there is no point in even acknowledging these people and yet people engage with them every day. I was inspired … Continue reading Miserable People and The Internet

#MeToo and Why I Don’t Think It Is a Witch Hunt

When the #metoo hashtag started, I was a little nervous. I almost didn't participate. There were so many stories of being sexually harassed or assaulted that I could choose from. I did end up telling the story that impacted me most, the reason I stopped taking public transportation alone. Here is a copy of that … Continue reading #MeToo and Why I Don’t Think It Is a Witch Hunt

I Will Not Live Life Looking Forward to a New Year.

Every year around this time people start getting self-reflective. Every year around this time memes and people’s facebook posts start talking about how “This year was terrible, can’t wait for the new year.” Every. Single. Year. Last year, everyone was saying that 2016 sucked and that 2017 would be “their” year. Now, I’m seeing a … Continue reading I Will Not Live Life Looking Forward to a New Year.